MicroTik WinBox

Winbox is a small utility that allows administration of MikroTik RouterOS using a fast and simple GUI.

It is a native Win32 binary, but can be run on Linux and MacOS (OSX) using Wine.

All Winbox interface functions are as close as possible mirroring the console functions, that is why there are no Winbox sections in the manual.

Some of advanced and system critical configurations are not possible from winbox, like MAC address change on an interface Winbox.

Linux Installation

There are a few scripts available on GitHub which help to setup WinBox nicely in your Linux Desktop environment. We use WinBox Installer from Mohammad Riza Nurtam here.

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/mriza/winbox-installer.git
$ cd winbox-installer
$ sudo bash ./winbox-setup install
$ sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t /usr/share/icons/hicolor


WinBox will update itself whenever needed.