Disk Encryption with Yubikey
Yubikey’s HMAC-SHA1 challenge-response mode can be used to unlock your encrypted hard disk at boot time.
Required Software
Yubikey for LUKS is available from package manager:
$ sudo apt install yubikey-luks
Setup and Configuration
We assume you already have full disk encryption enabled on your desktop system and you unlock the disk with a password at boot time.
Important Information
The disk device and partition number where your encrypted file system resides.
The LUKS key-slot to use. By default slot 7 (the last one) will be used.
On my personal computer the physical device holding the encrypted file-system is
on the third partition of a a NVMe M.2 SSD known as /dev/nvme0n1
Thus my device to un-encrypt is /dev/nvme0n1p3
LUKS partitions have eight rewritable key-slots, each one can hold a password to un-encrypt the partition.
Display the already used slots in the LUKS header information:
$ sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme0n1p3
If you only used one password to decrypt your disk, it is usually stored in slot 0 and slot 1 to 7 are still unused.
Beware! if a previously used slot is overwritten, that password can no longer be used to decrypt your disk!
Backup you LUKS header
Anything goes wrong, you might not be able to access the encrypted data again. Backup your LUKS header in any case before modifying it:
$ sudo cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/nvme0n1p3 \
--header-backup-file /media/user/safe-storage/${HOSTNAME}-LUKS-header.backup-$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)
The backup is stored on /media/user/safe-storage/
Safe Storage.
Initialize your Yubikey
Initialize the Yubikey for HMAC-SHA1 challenge/response mode in slot 2:
$ ykpersonalize -2 -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -ohmac-lt64 -oserial-api-visible
Enroll your Yubikey to a LUKS slot
$ sudo yubikey-luks-enroll -d /dev/nvme0n1p3
setting disk to /dev/nvme0n1p3.
setting slot to 7.
This script will utilize slot 7 on drive /dev/nvme0n1p3. If this is not
what you intended, exit now!
Adding yubikey to initrd
Please enter the yubikey challenge password. This is the password that will
only work while your yubikey is installed in your computer:
Please enter the yubikey challenge password again:
Please provide an existing passphrase. This is NOT the passphrase you just
entered, this is the passphrase that you currently use to unlock your LUKS
encrypted drive:
Enable at System Boot
Open the file /etc/crypttab
and change the line:
nvme0n1p3_crypt UUID=baa9d1c2-3b57-440a-9148-52570dba9814 none luks,discard
as follows:
nvme0n1p3_crypt UUID=baa9d1c2-3b57-440a-9148-52570dba9814 none luks,keyscript=/usr/share/yubikey-luks/ykluks-keyscript,discard
This will tell the boot process, that the script
needs to be called, which in
turn will send the password typed by the user as challenge to the Yubikey and
send the response from the Yubikey to LUKS to decrypt the disk.
Save and close the file, then update the initial RAM disk:
$ sudo update-initramfs -u
Yubikey LUKS Suspend
There is also a YubiKey/Luks Suspend/Resume service installed with this software package.
It takes care of closing your encrpyted volume and discards all key material from memory, before the system goes to sleep.
When the system wakes up again, and the Yubikey is not present, nobody will have access.
Unfortunately this particular feature doesn’t work anymore since Unbuntu 18.04. On suspend the system gets stuck on a black text screen saying:
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
cpio: premature end of archive
Press ENTER to continue.
When you press enter the system will lock your session, but doesn’t go to sleep.
You can still use suspend/resume , just disable the
Be aware, that the encrypted volume will remain unencrypted during suspend and will be readable without the need of the Yubikey and password on resume.
Only a complete shutdown and power off, will lock your encrpyted volume.
$ systemctl disable yubikey-luks-suspend.service