Server Installation

Suggested Reading: Ubuntu Installation Guide

Prepare Installation Media

Boot Installation Media

OS Installation

The installation takes about 40 minutes. Depending on your hardware, installation media (USB stick, CD-ROM) and internet connection.

Step 1 of 24: Select language during installation:

Step 1 of 24: Select language during installation

Step 2 of 24: Select keyboard layout:

Step 2 of 24: Select keyboard layout

Step 3 of 24: Start installation:

Step 3 of 24: Start installation

Step 4 of 24: Select installation language:

Step 4 of 24: Select installation language

Step 5 of 24: Select location:

Step 5 of 24: Select location

Step 6 of 24: Optional Select other location:

Step 6 of 24: Select other location

Step 7 of 24: Give the server a name:

Step 7 of 24: Give the server a name

Step 8 of 24: Enter your full name for the user profile:

Step 8 of 24: Full name for the user profile

Step 9 of 24: User profile name for login on the server:

Use the same username as on your desktop computer.

Step 9 of 24: User profile name for login on the server

Step 10 of 24: Password of user your profile on the server:

Don’t use the same password as on your desktop system. Select a different password on every system.

Step 10 of 24: Password of user your profile on the server

Step 11 of 24: Home directory encryption:

Don’t encrypt your home directory on the server. There will be no gain, but much pain. Your account on the server, will only be used for server-administration and you will never store any documents or data containing personal information there.

Step 11 of 24: Home directory encryption

Step 12 of 24: Confirm timezone:

Step 12 of 24: Confirm timezone

Step 13 of 24: Select how to prepare the hard-drives:

Step 13 of 24: Select how to prepare the hard-drives

Step 14 of 24: Select the hard-drive for installation:

Step 14 of 24: Select the hard-drive for installation

Step 15 of 24: Confirm partitioning of disk:

Step 15 of 24: Confirm partitioning of disk

Step 16 of 24: Set disk space used:

Step 16 of 24: Set disk space used

Step 17 of 24: Create filesystem on disk:

Step 17 of 24: Create filesystem on disk

Step 18 of 24: Installation starts …

This step will take about 5 minutes to complete

Step 18 of 24: Installation progress

Step 19 of 24: Set a proxy for internet access:

Step 19 of 24: Set a proxy for internet access

Step 20 of 24: Security updates installation:

Step 20 of 24: Security updates installation

Step 21 of 24: Select “OpenSSH server” for installation.

Don’t select anything else for the moment.

Step 21 of 24: Server task selection

This step will take about 15 minutes, where software packages are downloaded and installed.

Step 22 of 24: Install boot loader:

Step 22 of 24: Install boot loader

Step 23 of 24: Reboot server:

Step 23 of 24: Reboot server

Step 24 of 24: Ubuntu Server Installation is complete, the server is installed and ready.

Step 24 of 24: Ready

Connecting to the Server

You should now be able to connect from your desktop system to your newly installed Ubuntu Server.

$ ssh <servername>
The authenticity of host 'server (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 1e:34:d6:85:78:17:66:17:ad:62:45:05:fa:18:9d:a7.
No matching host key fingerprint found in DNS.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Replace <servername> with the name you gave to your server and type in yes to confirm, that is indeed a new server.