Certificates and Keys

We use OpenSSL to generate TLS certificates and keys (public and private keys).


Following are recommendations valid in April 2014, using OpenSSL 1.0.1f under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ‘Trusty Thar’.


Enough entropy for key generation and encryption. See Entropy.


CAcert has been dropped from the Ubuntu built-in list of trusted certificate authorities in February 2014. Also the Debian project no longer includes CAcert root certificates, since it started to use Mozilla’s list of trusted certificate authorities in March 2014.

Steps to re-include the CAcert root certificate in Ubuntu as trusted CA:

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cacert.org
$ cd /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/cacert.org
$ sudo wget http://www.cacert.org/certs/root.crt
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates

OpenSSL Configuration


Alternatively generation and management of keys, certificate signing requests and certificates can also be handled on a desktop system using xca.

Default system wide OpenSSL configuration is in the file /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf.

On a typical server OpenSSL is mostly used for CSR and key generation. However there is a lot of other (useless) stuff in the default configuration and some things have weak or even deprecated settings.

We want OpenSSL to behave as follows:

  • Create 3072 bit RSA private keys (default is 1024 or 2048 bit).

  • All digital signatures use SHA-256 as digest (default is SHA-1).

  • Never encrypt the servers private keys, as servers start and run without any user interaction to answer password prompts (default would encrypt keys).

  • All certificates can be used by both, servers AND clients (i.e. SMTP server receiving mail and SMTP client sending mail out).

  • The certificates include all the expected and needed extensions and fields to be ready for use in encrypted HTTPS, SMTP, XMPP and VPN (OpenVPN) sessions.

  • Certificate signing requests contain the domain-name (example.net) and a wildcard (*.example.net). Web servers are usually answering as example.net and www.example.net. Also usually every provided service uses its own hostname or sub-domain like mail.example.net. A wildcard certificate is the easiest way to secure everything with only one certificate.

  • The created certificate signing requests don’t include anything we don’t need. CAcert only uses the CN (common name) and if available the SubjectAltNames. All other information in the CSR is discarded. StartSSL strips everything from the CSR and will ask for domain-names on its website, when the request is submitted.


StartSSL requires you to complete a Class-2 verification (carries a US$ 59.90 fee) of your identity before they will issue wildcard domain certificates for you.

Create a new /etc/ssl/openssl-server.cnf file with the following contents.

The header of the file:

# OpenSSL configuration for generation of server certificate requests.
# Environment variable '$CN' **MUST** be defined or else OpenSSL aborts.

CN                          = $ENV::CN
HOME                        = .
RANDFILE                    = $ENV::HOME/.rnd
oid_section                 = new_oids

The following is to make our certificates valid for use with XMPP:

[ new_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr              =
id-on-dnsSRV                =

Enforce to create 3072 bit keys, set the location and name of private key files, disable password protection of server private keys, use the SHA-256 algorithm to sign our keys.

[ req ]
default_bits                = 3072
default_keyfile             = ${HOME}/private/${CN}.key.pem
encrypt_key                 = no
default_md                  = sha256
req_extensions              = req_extensions
prompt                      = no
distinguished_name          = req_distinguished_name

A certificates has information included what kind of things and services can be certified with it. Following is the minimum needed to authenticate and encrypt communications as a client or as server.

  • Since our certificates are based on RSA keys, keyEncipherment is needed for as Key Usage.

  • Since our servers support Diffie-Hellmann key exchanges, the Key Usage extension includes digitalSignature

[ req_extensions ]
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage            = serverAuth, clientAuth
subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
subjectAltName              = @subj_alt_names

The identity information included in certificates, cut to the minimum actually used is one line only.

[ req_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = ${CN}

Finally the alternative names are defined, which enables the server to present himself under different names and identities. So multiple virtual names and domains can be hosted by the same physical server. Without the needing for multiple keys, certificates and submission to CAs for every name or domain.

[ subj_alt_names ]
DNS.0                       = ${CN}
DNS.1                       = *.${CN}
otherName.0                 = id-on-xmppAddr;FORMAT:UTF8,UTF8:${CN}
otherName.1                 = id-on-dnsSRV;IA5STRING:_xmpp-client.${CN}
otherName.2                 = id-on-dnsSRV;IA5STRING:_xmpp-server.${CN}

The complete configuration file described here is available for download also.

Getting Certificates


Everything from here on is done as user root and from the /etc/ssl directory. Also the environment variables OPENSSL_CONF (pointing to our configuration file) and CN (containing your our domain name) must be set until all work described in this chapter is done.

$ cd /etc/ssl
$ sudo -s
$ export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/openssl-server.cnf
$ export CN=example.net

Generation of Keys and CSRs


For HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) Web-servers need two separate private keys. One will be active with the certificate from the CA, while a second one is pre-made backup key. Both keys are advertised by the web- server in its HTTP headers as Public-Key-Pins.


As of October 2017 HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) is in the process of being deprecated. But having a backup key ready remains a good recommendation for use with DANE and TLSA.

Create the first key and the CSR:

$ openssl req -new -out ${CN}.req.pem
Generating a 3072 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to './private/example.net.key.pem'

Create the backup key:

$ openssl genrsa -out private/${CN}.backup.key.pem 3072
Generating a 3072 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to './private/example.net.backup.key.pem'
$ chmod 600 private/${CN}*.key.pem

The keys and the CSR are saved in files using the PEM format.

CSR Generation for existing Keys

You may need to create a new CSR where the key already exists (i.e. a previously generated backup key) or one can use the same private key with different certificates:

$ openssl req -new -out ${CN}.req.pem -key private/${CN}.key.pem

CSR for Multiple Domain-Names

If services for other domains are hosted, you have to add them as additional DNS entries to the [ alt_names ] section.


Your CA will only allow certificates containing commonNames and subjectAltNames for domains you previously have validated with them.

Assume you want to add example.net and example.org to your example.net certificate:

Make a copy of /etc/ssl/openssl-server.cnf

$ cp openssl-server.cnf openssl-${CN}.cnf

Add all the required domain-names in the section called [ alt_names ] as follows:

[ alt_names ]
DNS.0                       = ${CN}
DNS.1                       = *.${CN}
otherName.0                 = xmppAddr;FORMAT:UTF8,UTF8:${CN}
otherName.1                 = SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-client.${CN}
otherName.2                 = SRVName;IA5STRING:_xmpp-server.${CN}
DNS.2 = example.net
DNS.3 = *.example.net
DNS.4 = example.org
DNS.5 = *.example.org

Save and close the file and create keys and CSR as shown before, but point to the newly created configuration file:

$ openssl req -config openssl-${CN}.cnf -out ${CN}.req.pem -new
$ openssl genrsa -out private/${CN}.backup.key.pem 3072
$ sudo chmod 600 private/${CN}*.key.pem

Submit Certificate Request

Copy the CSR to clipboard and paste it into the appropriate form on the website of the certificate authority:

$ cat ${CN}.req.pem

After signing, the certificate authority will either offer you a file-download of the certificate or display its contents in PEM format. Install the signed certificate:

cat << EOF > certs/${CN}.cert.pem

Server Certificate Chains

Certificates signed by StartSSL are signed by its intermediary class 1 or class 2 server or client CA.

CAcert certificates may be signed be its intermediary “CAcert Class 3 Root”

Connecting TLS clients expect the server to send the certificates of any intermediary CA along with its own server certificate during the handshake.

   : Server Certificate :   <--- Sent by Server
: Intermediate Certificate :   <--- Sent by Server
 : Trusted CA Certificate :   <--- Present in Client/Browser Certificate Storage
 ..........................        (Don't send)

On some servers (e.g. Nginx) this is achieved by providing a certificate-chain-file instead of a certificate file.

The chain file has the following form:

:                              :
:  ..........................  :
:  :   PEM encoded Server   :  :
:  :       Certificate      :  :
:  ..........................  :
:                              :
:  ..........................  :
:  :   PEM encoded inter-   :  :
:  :   mediate Certificate  :  :
:  ..........................  :
:                              :

Here are the steps to generate such certificate-chain-files.

Use one of the commands below, depending on the intermediate signing authority of your certificate.

For StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CA:

$ wget -O certs/StartCom_Class_1_Server_CA.pem \
$ cat certs/${CN}.cert.pem \
      certs/StartCom_Class_1_Server_CA.pem \
    > certs/${CN}.chained.cert.pem

For StartCom Class 2 Primary Intermediate Server CA:

$ wget -O certs/StartCom_Class_2_Server_CA.pem \
$ cat certs/${CN}.cert.pem \
      certs/StartCom_Class_2_Server_CA.pem \
    > certs/${CN}.chained.cert.pem

For CAcert Class 3 Root:

$ wget -O certs/CAcert_Class_3_Root.pem \
$ cat certs/${CN}.cert.pem \
      certs/CAcert_Class_3_Root.pem \
    > certs/${CN}.chained.cert.pem

OCSP Stapling Certificate Chains

Something similar but the other way around is needed when a server is providing OCSP responses on behalf of the client and sends them along its certificate during handshake.

The server knows about his own certificate, but in order to properly get and verify OCSP responses, he needs to know about any intermediate CA up to and including the top-level signing CA.

The OCSP stapling chain file has the following form:

:                              :
:  ..........................  :
:  :   PEM encoded Root CA  :  :
:  :      Certificate       :  :
:  ..........................  :
:                              :
:  ..........................  :
:  :   PEM encoded inter-   :  :
:  :   mediate Certificate  :  :
:  ..........................  :
:                              :

To create OCSP stapling chain files, do the following:

For StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Server CA:

$ cat certs/StartCom_Certification_Authority.pem \
      certs/StartCom_Class_1_Server_CA.pem \
    > certs/StartCom_Class_1_Server.OCSP-chain.pem

StartCom Class 2 Primary Intermediate Server CA:

$ cat certs/StartCom_Certification_Authority.pem \
      certs/StartCom_Class_2_Server_CA.pem \
    > certs/StartCom_Class_2_Server.OCSP-chain.pem

CAcert Class 3 Root:

$ cat certs/root.pem \
      certs/CAcert_Class_3_Root.pem \
    > certs/CAcert_Class_3_Root.OCSP-chain.pem

Exit Session

Now that we are done here, exit the root session (the environment variables will be discarded):

$ exit
$ cd

Other Settings

SSL and TLS Versions

  • Use TLS version 1.2 whenever possible its the preferred most secure, extensible, and modern version

  • Support TLS versions 1.1 and 1.0 for older clients

  • Don’t use SSL versions 3 and 2

Diffie-Hellman (DH) Key Exchange

To use perfect forward secrecy, Diffie-Hellman parameters must be set up on the server side, otherwise the relevant cipher suites will be silently ignored.


The bit-size of your DH parameters should be equal or greater than the size of your RSA private key. I.e. if you have a 3072-bit RSA key as suggested above, create and use at least a 3072-bit DH-parameter file.

You should build your own parameter files and re-create them periodically.

The following shell script dhparam_create.sh will do just that:

# Create Diffie-Hellmann key exchange parameters
mkdir -p /etc/ssl/dhparams
cd /etc/ssl/dhparams
umask 022
for dhsize in 512 1024 2048 3072 4096 ;
    nice openssl dhparam -out ${dhsize}.tmp ${dhsize} && \
        mv ${dhsize}.tmp dh_${dhsize}.pem && \
            chmod 644 dh_${dhsize}.pem

Let a cron job run this script periodically, to refresh your set:

# Re-create Diffie-Hellmann Key Exchange Parameters
#min    hour    mday    month   wday    user    cmd
33      4       */21    *       *       root    /root/bin/dhparam_create.sh

Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmann (ECDH)

The choice of which elliptic curve (EC) algorithm is used during Diffie Hellmann key exchange (DH) is a separate setting in most software configurations.

The used elliptic curve should match the RSA key size, while taking into consideration that you get the same strength with smaller bit sizes.

There would be no point in having a strong RSA key but the use a weaker key- exchange.



Safe until

160 bits

1,024 bits

Year 2010

224 bits

2,048 bits

Year 2030

256 bits

3,072 bits

Year 2030+

384 bits

7,680 bits

Year 2030+

512 bits

15’360 bits

Year 2030+

256 bit elliptic curve encryption equals 3072 bit RSA encryption. Therefore a curve like secp256r1 (NIST/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field) should be used.


All digital certificates contain an expiration date which most client and server applications will check before using the certificates contents.

When a web browser encounters an expired certificate, the browser will normally present the user with a warning message indicating that the certificate has expired.

An expired certificate frustrates users and limits the servers ability to seamlessly deliver content to clients.

SSL Certificate Checker (ssl-cert-check), can extract the certificate expiration date from a live server or from a PEM encoded X.509 certificate file. If ssl-cert-check finds a certificate that will expire within a user defined threshold (e.g., the next 60-days), an e-mail notification is sent to warn the administrator.


$ sudo apt-get ssl-cert-check


Usage instructions are provided when called with the -h command-line parameter:

$ ssl-cert-check -h
Usage: /usr/bin/ssl-cert-check [ -e email address ] [ -x days ] [-q] [-a] [-b] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-v]
       { [ -s common_name ] && [ -p port] } || { [ -f cert_file ] } || { [ -c certificate file ] }

  -a                : Send a warning message through E-mail
  -b                : Will not print header
  -c cert file      : Print the expiration date for the PEM or PKCS12 formatted certificate in cert file
  -e E-mail address : E-mail address to send expiration notices
  -f cert file      : File with a list of FQDNs and ports
  -h                : Print this screen
  -i                : Print the issuer of the certificate
  -k password       : PKCS12 file password
  -n                : Run as a Nagios plugin
  -p port           : Port to connect to (interactive mode)
  -s common name    : Server to connect to (interactive mode)
  -t type           : Specify the certificate type
  -q                : Don't print anything on the console
  -v                : Specify a specific protocol version to use (tls, ssl2, ssl3)
  -V                : Only print validation data
  -x days           : Certificate expiration interval (e.g. if cert_date < days)


ssl-cert-check uses the OpenSSL s_client built-in command. As of today this command lacks support for IPv6 and SNI. Therefore we can’t check our servers by connecting to them, but have to check our certificate files on disk.

To check a certificate file:

$ ssl-cert-check -i -q -c /etc/ssl/certs/example.net.cert.pem
Host                                            Status       Expires      Days
----------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ----
FILE:/etc/ssl/certs/example.net.cert.pem        Valid        May 2 2016   699

Automatic daily check

To have the server check his certificates every day and notify you by mail in case of the expiration date in less then 30 days, we add a cron-job as follows:

$ sudo -s
$ echo "ssl-cert-check -a -c /etc/ssl/certs/example.net.cert.pem"
    >> /etc/cron.daily/ssl-cert-check
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/ssl-cert-check
$ exit

In case there are more certificates-files to check, just repeat the second line above for each file with its path and filename.